Ubisoft has finally introduce the much anticipated XDefiant Private Match Bot Farming XP Players can now access a private lobby to test their skills in a more casual environment. After massively outcries regardings absence of a private lobbie in the title. Xdefint developers finally unveiled this feature in Season 2 to provide players with a much need break from sweaty competitive lobbies. This magical article sheds light on how you can join the private match and what is included in the brand new XDefiant Season 2 feature.
XDefiant Private Match Bot Farming XP
Here is a guide to farm XP in XDefiant Private Matches using bots without risking bans:
Step 1: Set Up a Private Match
Go to Play > Custom Game > Create Private Match.
Mode: Select Team Deathmatch (the fastest rounds).
Map: Small maps like a Dumbo or Times Square (quick spawns).
Bots: Add 11 bots (6 on enemy team & 5 on yours).
Bot Difficulty: Set to Rookie (easy kills).
Step 2: Adjust Match Settings
Score Limit: 150 points (ends matches faster).
Time Limit: 5 minutes.
Headshots Only: Off (for easy kills).
Step 3: Optimize Loadout for XP
Weapon: Use AK-470 & M4A1 (high kill potential).
Faction: Cleaners (incendiary grenades for the multi kills).
Survivalist (heal between fights).
Tracker (see bot locations).
Step 4: Farming Strategy
Camp Bot Spawns: Bots respawn in a fixed zones (e.g alleys on Dumbo).
Farm Kills: Aim for 30–40 kills per match (≈1,500 XP).
Complete the Challenges: Equip weapons/characters with unfinished challenges (bonus XP).
Step 5: Maximize The XP/Hour
- Avg. Match Time: 4–5 minutes.
- XP per Match: 1,500–2,000 XP.
- Hourly XP: ~18,000–24,000 XP.
Most Important Note
No Glitches: This method uses in game settings (no bans).
XP Caps: Ubisoft may limits XP gains over time (take breaks).
Daily Wins: Play 1 public match for Daily Win Bonus (extra 5,000 XP).
Why This Works
Bots count toward weapons mastery faction XP & battle pass progress. Use this to:
Unlock attachments/camos very quickly.
Level up factions like Echelon or Phantoms.
How to enter private match in XDefiant
There are only Two ways in which you can be a part of the XDefiant private match and lobby. You must either host the lobby by yourself and join someone elses private match.
Here is how to enter the lobby:
- First Fire up the title.
- Hit the Play button.
- Select Private match and then invites your friends.
- Selected any team and start the match if you are host or else wait for the host to launch the lobby.
- Followings the aforementioned process to enjoy a custom game in Xdefint with your best friends.
Private lobby all features XDefiant
Now that you have a brief explanations of how to enter the private matches. here is a detailed overviews of some key features of the brand new latest mode:
- You can either create and joined the lobby made by someone from their friend list.
- You can select any of ranked or unranked game modes based on your preference.
- You can boths host and join lobby of classic 6v6 unraked & 4v4 ranked. However you can also tweak the lobby sized to 3v3, 2v2 and 1v1.
That sums up all the information we have on private all matches XDefiant. If the developers make any future additions to this So we will ensure to update the this guide accordingly.