The First Descendant farming route Rare has an encyclopedic number of farmable materials and what better way to help the community than to created a central hub for all the Rare materials including a best way to farm each item. In this all Resources guide you’ll find links to a more detailed magical guide to finding the material. Since some materials especially the Rare ones are difficult to finding they need their separate guide to explaining the best farming methods. Here’s your very own Access Information screen to farm all the Resources you need.
The First Descendant best farming route for rare materials
All Rare Materials And Where to Find Them in The First Descendant Here is the magical list of rare materials and where to find them in The First Descendant:
Most of rare material are hard to find and each link will lead to a separate guide with most unique strategy to make your farming more efficient.
Example 1: Conductive Metallic Foils drop from mission monster in Vesper at a low drop rate. And They also drop from Encrypted Vaults in the Vesper region. If you click our linked guide. it’ll show a specifically farming path to easily finds these Encrypted Vaults and or get all the Conductive Metallic Foils you need.
Example 2: Some are Rare materials drop from monster in Infiltration Operations. The Murky Energy Residue drops from the Unkown Laboratory and Forgottense. Our Magical guide will show you which one is faster or more efficient. includings tips like beat this commander to get the Murky Energy Residue and you can leave the mission and then restart it to save some time.
The normal material above drop from Munition and Resource Boxes. Our guide will show you not only the region where you can farm the materials but also the most densely populated Munition and Resources Box in the region.
Example: Reverse Charging Coils drop in the Fortress region. The Magical way to farm is through the Aurora Forest battlefield since the waypoint is close to 2-3 Munitions and or 4 and more Resource Boxes. You can reset your instance by switching difficulties and since the waypoints is so close you can farm thousands of Reverse Chargings Coils in a few minutes.
These are material are pretty straightforward. You’ll dismantle specific items to get the materials. Doing any other farm that drop loots will give you these materials.
What is an Ultimate Descendant in First Descendant?
Ultimate Descendants are more powerfull version of regular Descendants. While their game play remains the same the Ultimates usually boast better base stats.
Some Ultimate Descendant skills are also slightly a different from those of their regular counterparts. Bunny’s Lightning Emission for the example emits a circle of lightning as she runs around. Ultimate Bunny’s Lightning Emission has no circles and target nearby enemies instead.
Rare Basic Materials Where to farm them
Put together a list of the Rare basic Materials together and where to farm them. or Hopefully this is more helps out. And little for when your grinding for materials and to keep you from flipping through so many menus lol.
- Data Processing Neural circuit- front line base (Vespers) normal or hard. Encrypted Neural Circuit- Hazy Swamp (Echo Swamp) normal or hard. Advanced Neural Circuit- Orders Veil (White-Night Gultch) normal or hard.
- Positive Ion Particle- Commanding Ground (Agna Desert) normal or hard.
- Negative Ion Particle- Vaults, Mission monsters (Sterile Land)
- Anode lon Particle- Broadband Fleet
- Beacon (Hagios) normal or hard.
- Polyatomic lon Particle- Command Relay
- (Fortress) normal or hard.
- Deformed Biometal- Strategic Outpost- Frozen Valley, Converter Facility (Fortress) Synthesized Artificial Biometal- Strategic Outpost- Vermillion Waste, Miragstone (Agna Desert) normal or hard.
- Specialized Biometal- Strategic Outpost- Dune Base, Forward Base (Hagios) normal or hard.
- Artificial Biometal- Anticipated Ambush Point (Sterile Land) normal or hard.
- 1/4
Finally there some rare mods are exclusive to Ultimate Descendants. These upgraded characters are a similar to Prime Warframes in Warframe although little stronger than in that title.
I want this magical guide to be accessible and so Sharen is mandatory when Ultimate hunting. Sharen can go invisible with her Active Camouflage abilitys and clear Strategic Outposts undetected. You can get Rare Amorphous Materials this way and we will use those to obtain Ultimate part more very easily.
You can complete some are gnarly feats with Ajax so let me show you everything you need to acquire him. Sadly if you’re wondering why you don’t see many Ultimates Ajax running around you’re about to find out why.