If you have want animal wel secret ending requirements and you many time search so you are the land right article this information for you. After rolling credit and defeating the final boss of Animal Well there is a still plenty to do. and There are multiple puzzles special tools and true endings to check out after beatings the game. So If you didn't gather all of them during main game. you can collectings any of the remaining eggs out of the 64 Eggs in a game. Collect all of the egg give you the 65th egg. which is necessary for a reaching true ending.
Outside of a main five tools found in Animal Well (Like Disc Bubble Wand Slink and Yoyo Lantern) there are a severals additionally tools that you can find. These tools are serve a number of different purposes. Some are needed to collecting every Egg. complete the true ending and even to complete the additionally Rabbit puzzles. You may have discovered some of these tools during your time Playings through a main story of Animal Well but they are not necessary for completing any of a main puzzle.
Best tools
- Bouncy Ball
- UV Light
- Top
- Remote
- Wheel
- B. B. Wand
Collect the every tool
Animal Well secret ending requirements
Here is a Magical Guide of the secret ending requirements in Animal Well (no spoilers for puzzles):
1. Collect All 64 Eggs
What: Find every hidden egg (they are scattered in tricky spots).
How: Use tools like the Bubble Wand and Slink to reach secret areas.
2. Unlock the Egg Room
Where: Return to the central Egg Room (The main hub area).
Action: Place all eggs into the golden egg holder.
3. Solve the Final Puzzle
Step: Follow the new path that opens and interact with a hidden object (requires precise platforming).
4. Witness the Secret Ending
Reward: A cryptic cutscene expanding the games lore.
Map Markers: Use the in game map to track missings eggs.
Explore Every Corner: Some eggs are behind illusions or require backtracking.
The True Ending Escaping The Well
Hopefully you have been side barring your main adventure to a collecting the eggs you have a noticed around the map so far in Animal Well because to unlock the games true ending and finally escape the well or you will first need to find and collecting all 64 eggs from the map. You will likely have found several of a eggs naturally as you explore the map in Animal Well but some of them are a particularly well hidden. Regardless if you are like to see Animal Wells true ending.or grab all 64 eggs and go to the egg room once you have got them all.
Here you will receive Eggs number 65 as the reward for all your hard work so far. Once you have gotten the eggs return to the Manticore puzzle area. and use your UV light to find a room of the left in the top left room from the Puzzles. Inside that you will find an Incubator. so place egg 65 in and prepare for second Manticore Puzzle.
It seems tougher than its if you keep level head. Go back to the room with one whale fan and or use the Top next to the Firecracker in a top corner. This unveils a hidden platform. or use the Wheel to lower the Manticore platforms you see here. Nothing happened in the current room though so head back to the incubators.
Have the Manticore destroy the false wall on the left to unlock new latest room. Use the Remote and B. Ball to break through this next section and or play your Flute at the altar. The Manticore will open it is mouth so you can hop inside. We won't give anything away but after all your hours of hard work and or puzzle solvings this is where you will see great Animal Wells true ending.